What I Do & How I Can Help
Most sessions are 1 hour in duration. The setting is a calm and tranquil space. A quiet space without music is important for spiritual reasons: the liquids in your body move to their own subtle rhythmic patterns and I "listen" to the "inner music" of your body through my hands. If external music is playing in the background your body's natural rhythmic patterns will be altered by the frequency of the sound and this will interfere with the ability to "listen" properly with hands.
I am trained in :
- Relational-Somatic Psychotherapy (Level I, Canada)
- Cranial Nerves Manipulation
- Somato-emotoinal Release
- Neuro-Meningeal Manipulation: brain injury, concussion, whiplash (U.S.A.)
- Manual Osteopathy ( Canada)
- Functional Medicine
- Rhythmical Massage Therapy (Switzerland)
- Physiotherapy (Lebanon)
- Hypnotherapy (Canada)
- Neuro-Skeletal Calibration (Canada)
- Crystal Therapy (Spain)
- Chinese Massage (Lebanon, Kuwait)
- Psycho-somatic reading ( France)
- Distant Healing (France, Lebanon)
- Reiki (Lebanon)
- Additional Holistic Therapies
- Pediatric Cranio-Sacral (Canada)
- Osteopathic Cranio-Sacral ( Canada
- Embryology workshop (U.S.A.)
Osteopathy as a treatment for AnxietyAnxiety is a feeling of worry, unease, nervousness or fear. Anxiety symptoms may include the inability to stay calm, feeling excessively stressed, experiencing panic attacks, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitations, dry mouth and irritability.Anxiety can also trigger or aggravate digestive issues such as heartburn, bloating, ulcers, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).Body tension, tightness or stiffness may also be symptoms of anxiety, as it affects the nervous system which then triggers muscle pain.
How Osteopathy and Rhythmical Massage help with the treatment of AnxietyI work with the entire body, understanding that the body is connected and intertwined. Mental health issues such as anxiety and stress greatly impact the body. Treatment, especially in combination to other mental health services, helps to reduce anxiety and stress, and reduces the impact on the body. Treatment usually involves supporting the body’s nervous system as well as any secondary concerns like muscle tightness, headaches, and digestive issues.
Back & Neck Pain
Osteopathy as a treatment for Back Pain
Back pain is very common. It can be debilitating, with individuals experiencing acute or chronic pain over a long period of time. Back and neck pain can be the result of a sudden accident or trauma, or an injury dating back several years. Chronic strains can reduce your muscle and joint flexibility or cause instabilities, putting you at risk for further back injuries.
Common types of injury and trauma resulting in back and neck pain are:
- Occupational strains such as lifting.
- Car accidents.
- Direct injuries such as blows to the head.
- Falls.
- Blows to the head.
- Childbirth strains.
- Dental trauma.
It’s important to note that back pain can cause pain in other areas. For instance, leg, buttocks, and groin pain or tingling in the toes can come from your spine. For that reason, it’s helpful to hold a big picture view of the body rather than always exclusively focusing on the area that is causing the pain.
How Osteopathy and Rhythmical Massage can help with the treatment of Back Pain
I consider the whole health of my client. As such I start off with an assessment, followed by an examination in order to provide you with comprehensive and tailored treatment.
As an experienced Rhythmical Massage and Osteopathy practitioner, I am skilled at assessing the mechanics of the whole body. By listening to your problem, I can help work out the cause of your pain. I use a variety of techniques to restore a state of balance and ease to the movement and function of your back. This relieves the pain and discomfort of back pain.
Cranial osteopathy helps in restoring the motor and sensory nerves essential for proper functioning of the brain. Motor and sensory nerves are important to transfer information from the brain to different body parts and vice versa. When motor and sensory nerves are restored to balance the brain sends signals properly, this process cures depression. Cranial osteopathy also improves the blood circulation in cranial and spinal region.
In depression, generally the tissues of the brain get contracted, thus interfering with the normal work of the brain. It hampers the normal rhythmic motion of the brain by releasing neurotoxins. These neurotoxins suppress the expression of emotions. Cranial osteopathy helps to express your emotions, clean up the neurotoxins, thereby bringing back the rhythmic motion of the brain.
Cranial osteopathy completely relaxes the brain cells. Pressure is applied to the meninges present in the brain to make the flow of cerebrospinal fluid smoother. This rhythmic movement is essential to relax any stress and depression.
Cranial osteopathy improves the psychological and emotional condition of the person, thus reducing his depression level. In this therapy, pressure is imparted to align the dislocated bones of the brain. This enhances the ability to concentrate and focus. Depression is related to the cranial movement of the brain. This technique normalizes the cranial rotation of the brain, thus treating depression.
Cranial osteopathy also improves the flexibility of the cranial membrane which gets shrunk when a person undergoes depression and stress. This technique helps to restore the normal elasticity of the cranial membrane; thus, the membrane regains its normal shape.
Unlike allopathy, cranial osteopathy treats the cause of depression rather than the symptoms. It also provides instant relief and calmness.
Our brains are somewhat mobile inside our skulls, which can give rise to other injuries. There are some spiny contours on the inside of the skull, but under normal circumstances, a barrier of cerebrospinal fluid surrounds the brain and cushions it from direct contact with the hard bone. However, when a person’s head is subjected to violent forces, the brain may be forcibly rotated and battered within the skull. During such episodes, brain tissue may be ripped, stretched, battered, and bruised.
In our session, I will be able to assess where the dura is injured or attached and try to release it, also allowing the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) to flow properly.
The CSF plays a major component in mental and physical health, it can cause depression, fatigue, blurry vision, and unidentified aches and pains.
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